In like a lion...

According to old folklore, “If March comes in like a lion, it goes out like a lamb.” With the exception of one of our biggest snow falls of the year on the 22nd, this statement held true this year. The month started with temperatures well below normal, over 20 degrees below, and snow the first three days. We then warmed up into the 60’s and even hit 70 mid-month. Unfortunately this touch of spring quickly came to a halt with, in some areas, our biggest snow fall of the year. Over a three day period we received anywhere from 5 to 12 inches depending on your location. The good news is that we were back in the 60’s by the end the month and the snow quickly melted.
The story heading into April and the summer continues to be the lack of moisture. With the below normal snow totals, we are about 2 inches behind where we should be. Last April it snowed over 7 inches, we‘ll see if we can make up our deficit with rain this year.