2015 Snow Recap
It should not come as a surprise that globally, 2015 has been declared the warmest year on record. Despite a relatively mild summer in...

Best of...
MSP Outdoor Services is proudly making headlines in the West Metro - Press Release FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE MSP Outdoor Services Receives...

Innovations and Best Practices
With a committment to best practices and innovative solutions, we recently published an article in _SCAPE magazine, which is the...

Happy Memorial Day!
Memorial Day – one of our nation’s oldest and revered holidays – was born out of the Civil War, where townspeople across the nation...

In like a lion...
According to old folklore, “If March comes in like a lion, it goes out like a lamb.” With the exception of one of our biggest snow falls...

February Weather Recap
Despite typically being one of our snowiest months of the year, we only received 4.9” of recordable snow at MSP Airport this February. ...

January Snow Recap
Throughout the month of January we officially received 5.4” at MSP Airport which is 6.8” below the average. This is however, not that...

EAB Continues To Spread
The invasive and potentially devasting Emerald Ash Borer continues to spread throughout the Metro Area. In December, an EAB infested...